Co-founder of the Okinawa Kame Centre

Little is known about the health of the wild populations of the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle and Okinawa prefecture has no ongoing conservation plans for the yamagame. This is an issue because the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle faces many challenges ahead:

Habitats are shrinking due to land development.
the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtles are taken from nature and kept as pets or smuggled out of Japan.

the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle are killed by cars while crossing roads.
Our Solutions

Research wild populations.
Develop conservation strategies.

Disseminate educational material.
News &Updates
Dec 20, 2024
Bell, director of our organization, talked on the Youtube "The Jayviary". You can listen to it here.
Dec 20, 2024
Bell, director of our organization, talked on the Youtube "birdnerd". You can listen to it here.
Dec 20, 2024
Bell, director of our organization, talked on the podcast "Wild and Unprotected". You can listen to it here.
Nov 21, 2024
Nov 15, 2024
Bell, director of our organization, talked on the podcast "Let's Talk Turtles". You can listen to it here.
"Ryukyu Yamagato Exhibition" in collaboration with Neo Park Okinawa will be held from
December 21st to January 13th. Learn more.
Nov 5, 2024
An article about our organization was published in the Turtle Conservancy newsletter.
Jul 18, 2024
The Panel Exhibition of the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle will be held on the 1st floor of
the Okinawa Times Building. (Duration: October 8th to 12th, 2024)
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 2, 2024
Jun 14, 2024
We will be holding a seminar titled "Learn about the endangered the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle!"
Jun 1, 2024
Mar 25, 2024
Turtle Conservancy website published an article about our organization.
Click on the photo to view the article.
About Us
The yamagame (Geoemyda japonica Fan, 1931) is a small forest dwelling species found in the Ryukyu archipelago of southern Japan, namely on Okinawa Island, Kume Island, and Tokashiki Island. In an effort to protect this turtle species, the Japanese government designated them as a National Natural Monument in 1975 however this restricted research efforts. There is currently only one field study permitted by the Japanese government and is was started by Mr. Otani in the year 2000. The study focuses on the capture-mark-recapture of turtles throughout the year in Yanbaru National Park. At the field site, Mr. Otani has identified hundreds of unique individuals and has gained invaluable knowledge about their habitat, behavior, and ecology. Unfortunately, each passing year sees fewer and fewer turtles. The yamagame is listed as endangered, and is thought to be in decline due to continuous land development and poaching for the pet trade. The government has no ongoing conservation plan for the yamagame and without Mr. Otani’s study, there would be no way of monitoring the wild populations. Unfortunately, Mr. Otani has reached retirement age and needs help to continue the study. In 2019, Aya Narukiyo and Dr. Zach Bell heard Mr. Otani’s many stories about the yamagame and wanted to help him. By 2020, they founded the Okinawa Kame Centre, a nonprofit organisation focused on protecting and conserving the yamagame, and their habitat, on Okinawa Island.

Tsutomu Otani
Belonged to the Takada Reptile Research Institute since the age of 23. Came to Okinawa in 1975.
Taking advantage of Okinawa's climate and natural features, he has bred reptiles from all over the world, including crocodiles, lizards, and turtles.
Has conducted research on the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle since 2000 as his personal life's work.
Our Supporters

Simon Rouot
Turtle Conservancy

Dr. Job Stumpel
WILDLANDS Adventure Zoo Emmen

Prof. Craig Stanford
Chair, IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California
Need Your Support
Turtle Report

We are collecting data on turtles in Okinawa.
If you find a freshwater turtle outdoors, please report to us.

You can easily donate a small amount ( any currency ) through Syncable, which allows you to make one-time and regular donations.( Many international cards are available. ) Donations will be used for survey costs, research costs, and organization operating costs.
* Please note, currently bank transfer method is only available for people in Japan.

Click the button to go to Google Form
Media Donation
Do you have photos or videos of the yamagame? Share them with us by emailing
They're powerful tools for education and conservation. By sharing your photos and videos, you help us paint a fuller picture of the yamagame's world.
Please share whatever you have.
If you live outside Japan and are a steward of this species (e.g., zookeepers or pet owners), we especially want to hear from you. Your photos, videos, and stories are invaluable to our mission.
Your contributions may be used in educational materials, research, social media, photo exhibitions, slideshow presentations, websites, and more.
you can see the turtles
If you know of any other places in Japan or abroad that exhibit Ryukyu mountain turtles, please let us know!

illustrationBy Simon Rouot
Neo Park Okinawa|Okinawa
Okinawa Zoo & Museum| Okinawa
Habu Museum Park|Okinawa
iZoo |Shizuoka
Nogeyama Zoo|Kanagawa
Video by Turtle Conservancy
Small Steps. Big Impact. Save the Turtles!
沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字谷茶1919-1 OIST
OIST Innovation Incubator, 1919-1 Tancha, Onna Village, Kunigami District, Okinawa, Japan
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